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Chai Tastes Better With Loved Ones


We’re in the midst of the holiday season with Diwali and Thanksgiving recently over and Hannakah and Christmas this week. At Boston Chai Party, we are able to both observe and be part of both American and Indian culture. When it comes to chai, back at home in India as well as when we spend time with our Indian friends here in the States, we often make chai in bulk at family and friend gatherings. It’s often the drink before abd after the meal and everyone drinks it together. It’s not uncommon for us to make 8-10 cups worth in each batch.  

In America, we find that chai is often a solo experience with people making it for themselves on Instagram or ordering it while they are alone at a cafe. While we obviously support chai at all times and all situations (not kidding!), we want to bring awareness to the group chai drinking lifestyle to the United States. Some of our favorite memories from back home in India are snuggling up with cousins and ordering samosas while having chai together. Then, when you do drink chai on the go or in the office by yourself, your mind already associates it with warm and loving feelings. 

At your next gathering or party, try bringing our chai concentrate and a gallon of milk. We almost guarantee that at least half the room will want to drink some chai after dinner or with dessert. Make sure to tag us on Instagram @bostonchaiparty so we can see how you shared a cup of chai with your loved ones.